Focus is on foundations, thinking, approach and continuous practise to fight adversary.
    Needle365.com - Search adversary scenarios, get IoCs and PRACTISE.
    Planned IR skill development. Training of responders on incidents focused on domain (eg healthcare). Scenario taken from VerisDB and Flexible IR curated list. Managers can do current team evaluation and plan actions. Use of Mitre Att&ck Matrix to identify gaps that need to be practised.

Create scenarios and practise continuously.

Flexible IR provides a system which allows you to search or create scenarios and practise them as real cases. We support planned IR skill development by the manager. The advanced search for real time incidents is on a independent system at www.needle365.com

Below is an use case of how a scenario is searched, simulated and handled.

Key Features

Advanced Scenario search

Evolving runbooks using Symbolic AI system integration. We provide understandable and easy baseline runbooks to handle incidents. The runbooks can be customised to your specific environment and security analyst. Expert audit of runbooks.

Planned IR development

Easily coach the less experienced members of the team in threat hunting and incident response topics. Simulate adversary use cases and practise. Plan skill development for your analysts. Move towards critical 1-10-60 rule for Incident response.

Skill Matrix & Points

Per analyst skill matrix and point systems to bring in continuous motivation and planned learning. System supports basic gamification for card based games.

Realtime scenarios from Verisdb and Flexible IR curated list.


Planned IR skill development

A simple and efficient system for IR skill development. Scenarios can be created by searching for real cases and using the corresponding Indicators of Compromise (IoCs).

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Search Scenarios on Needle365.com

Search realtime scenarios using the advanced search filters, get IoCs and start practising like a similar adversary attacking your organisation.

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Storyboard on Excel

Storyboard scenarios on a excel sheet and run them on the Flexible IR kanban boards. This is based on cyber exercise playbook as recommended by Mitre.

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Skill Matrix Periodic Table

The handlers simulate incidents, get points and move up the ladder. Every practise session is guaged based on Tools,Process and communication.

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Search & Practise IR drills

Search in VerisDB real incidents and then practise them on our platform. Score points based on each incident and how you handled them.

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